Straw Hat Pirate

One Piece

Luffy 2nd Gear


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Straw Hat Pirates

The Straw Hat Pirates is the name of a pirate group of luffy (from one piece manga)created by Eichiro Oda.

All Straw Hats current members have at least one talent in which they are virtually perfect, and several (especially the captain, first mate, and cook) have astonishingly inhuman strength. As outlaws, they all have bounties on their heads, and are wanted by the World Government. The World Government and the Navy consider them one of the most dangerous pirate crews in the One Piece world, due to their spectacular evasion of the unavoidable Buster Call on Enies Lobby.

Each member of the Straw Hats has a dream they want to achieve. These dreams are their reasons for joining Luffy's crew, and essentially the driving force behind their lives. Each Straw Hat's dream was inspired by tragedies in their lives that involved at least one person they idolized or cared for deeply. Whatever the reason, each of the Straw Hats' dreams involves traveling the Grand Line, and each Straw Hat member refuses to die before achieving his or her dream.

Each member of the crew value their friendships above all else. Despite their comic annoyance with each other from time to time, they also often enjoy their time together and love being a member of the crew. One of the major themes of the series is how committed they are to each other. If one single member is hurt by an outside force, the other members will become enraged and take drastic action to avenge their brethren.

All the current Straw Hats have bounties over their heads with a total bounty of "700,000,050"

Straw Hat Pirates

From left to right: Nico Robin ;  Usopp (as Sogeking) ;  Roronoa Zoro ;  Monkey D. Luffy ;  Sanji ;  Tony Tony Chopper ;  Nami ;  Franky
From left to right: Nico Robin ; Usopp (as Sogeking) ; Roronoa Zoro ; Monkey D. Luffy ; Sanji ; Tony Tony Chopper ; Nami ; Franky

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